Wednesday, April 27, 2011


What does Photography mean to you?

Well there are a number of answers and it complicated, but simply put, it is another way of expressing myself, it is fun, makes me think and be creative.

What genre of photography are you passionate about? Why?

People, because they are all different, starting with their looks, attitudes, reactions, personalities, interests, professions and backgrounds.  One can only capture a moment in someones life.  But sadly, I am not doing this genre for may DUT portfolio, because I felt like I was being put in a box and the lid sealed and the air snuffed out.  Being told that I has to narrow it down to child at play, or baby, or portraits etc, made me sick to the cor,  they did not understand what I wanted to do, I wanted to make a documentary of different people from birth to death, just like Shakespeare poem The Seven Ages of Man.

Fortunately, I have other passions, Nature and Landscape, here one only has to open you front door and step outside and you are surrounded by beauty, even when it is raining or there is a lightning and thunderstorm.  Landscape can be divided in to two urban and rural and Nature encumbrances trees, birds, animals and insects.  The possibilities are endless.
Landscape and Nature is my first specialty for portfolio.

My Second specialty for portfolio is Digital Food Photography, I want to try and produce images that can be incorporated in to menu's and cookbooks for healthy living.  Simple, but interesting.

What aspects of Photography do you love?

The fact that you are in charge and that through the lens you can decide what will or will not include in the final image.  
The face that you have to go out and find interesting things to shoot.
The fact that every day you could take the same image, and have a different result, because of different times of the day and different settings and different lighting.  When shooting out doors, the time of the year also plays a huge part in the end result.  All this excites me.


What aspects of Photography do you find challenging?

Studio photography, and working with the old fashioned cameras like the Hasselblad and Sinar.

If you could share one thing with others who are also interested in Photography what would it be?

Grab a camera and get out there, the world is your oyster and you are it pearl.  
Use YOU TUBE, there are many talented people out there dying to shear their knowledge with you.
Find a photographer, that needs help and learn all the tricks of the triad, while you work. 

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